Can I Really Sue for Pain and Suffering?

Can I Really Sue for Pain and Suffering?

When Personal Injuries Happen, You Have the Right to Seek Compensation for The Pain and Suffering You Endured as A Result. 

Personal injuries in Ponca City can happen for a variety of reasons. Even in relatively minor cases, you could suffer impacts for months or even years to come. In addition to seeking compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other tangible costs, you also have the right to seek compensation for the pain and suffering your personal injuries caused.

Pain and Suffering Caused by Personal Injuries in Ponca City 

Car, bike, and pedestrian accidents, swimming pool accidents, dog bites, and slips or falls are all common causes of personal injuries in Ponca City. In addition to the immediate medical care you require as a result, you could be facing long months of diagnostic testing and treatment while being unable to work or provide for yourself. These are all tangible costs associated with personal injuries. However, there are intangible losses you are likely to suffer, as well.

Pain and suffering refer to the impacts personal injuries have on you and your loved ones. It generally includes the following:

  • The pain you endured at the time of the accident;
  • The discomfort you experience as a result of needed treatment;
  • Any mental anguish, anxiety, or depression you suffer in the aftermath;
  • The impact your injuries and any disfigurement or long-term disabilities have on your ability to enjoy life or engage in hobbies with family and friends.

In terms of car accident injuries, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that pain and suffering damages typically make up a major portion of losses, often totaling even hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.

Seeking Compensation for Your Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Claim

Under the Oklahoma Statutes, you may be entitled to economic damages when personal injuries happen due to the negligence of others involved. These refer to tangible costs, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and property damages. You may also be entitled to non-economic or special damages, which cover intangible costs and generally refer to the pain and suffering you endured.

How Much Money Can You Sue for Pain and Suffering? -

This type of compensation is available both in filing an insurance claim and in a lawsuit. The following formula is generally used to calculate pain and suffering damages:

  • The total amount of economic damages is determined;
  • A multiplier ranging from one to five is then used to determine pain and suffering, depending on the severity of your accident or injuries.

For example, if your economic costs total $50,000 and the severity warrants a multiplier of 3, you would be entitled to $150,000 for pain and suffering.

Our Ponca City Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help You

At Boettcher, Devinney, Ingle & Wicker, we are dedicated to helping clients get the maximum amount of compensation they are entitled to, including for pain and suffering. To discuss your case, call at 580-765-9660 or contact our Ponca City personal injury attorneys online and request a consultation today.

Steffy Alen

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