Do You Need to Find a Notary Public?

Do You Need to Find a Notary Public?

Do You Need to Find a Notary Public?

There are many stories about people facing legal problems with their documents. All of us may have needed to find a professional notary public to help us. We may have a document that should be notarized. Many people run to find a paralegal or lawyer to solve their problems with their documents. But actually, they are not the people who can help you. Document notarization is a task done by a notary public. Do you know who a notary public is? Do you know what services they provide for people? Do you know the difference between them and legal professionals? If not, stay with us. Today, in this article, we speak with an online notary public in Toronto to help you get the answer to your questions and learn more in this regard. Keep reading. Most frequently asked questions about the services of a notary public are answered here.

Who Are They?

A notary public is a government official who can serve the public in non-contentious matters, usually related to public finance transactions, documents, real estate, And public authority. In other words, a notary public is an officer who can certify or legalize documents to prevent fraud. She is the person who helps verify your identity for legal matters.

Can I Send the Document?

Yes. You can send the document or even ask another person to take it to the notary public. But in case the signature is needed, you should be present in the office. Keep in mind that no copied signature is accepted. Besides, no one can sign instead of you. The notary public officer should confirm that you were the person who did the signature.

What Invalidates a Notarized Document?

The final process of notarizing a document is stamping as a confirmation of the legality of the documents, the accuracy of all information, and the identities of the persons concerned. Now, if stamps that are too dark, too bright, smudged, incomplete, or unreadable may result in the rejection of an acceptable document for the intended use.


Can We Copy Our Green Card?

Yes. It is ok to have a copy of our green card. But there is a point to consider. When you want to make a copy of your green card, you should write this sentence on your copied green card: “I declare that this is an accurate, unaltered, and true photocopy of my green card.” The next process is signing it. And then, you should date it at the notary’s office and under the officer’s observation. Finally, the notary public will notarize your signature.

Can a Notary Public Provide Legal Advice?

No. this is not allowed. Legal professionals such as lawyers and paralegals are the ones who can help you and provide you with helpful advice on your legal issues.

 How To Find a Trusted Notary Public?

There are simple ways. You can ask your friends and family members. You can also ask a legal professional such as lawyers or paralegals. There is some online information too.

Steffy Alen

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